About This Blog

All contrarian take on news, events, social/political issues, religion, science, economy, history and so-called fundamental truths of life and universe. No holds barred.

Learning, teaching, listening, watching, thinking, analyzing, writing, disrupting conventions, inspiring to think, wakening up from torpor and desperation, regaining sanity, facing reality.

Only honest opinions completely missing from the rest of blogosphere and loathed by MSM, no BS or promotion of anything. Nothing’s sacred. Wealth of Content. Austerity of Form.

If you sick and tired of unfettered lies, blowing over your head Orwellian constructs dressed up as knowledge completely divorced from your everyday reality and objective facts, you found the right place.

Welcome. I promise, you will disagree with Joe Contrarian, guaranteed.


9 thoughts on “About This Blog

  1. If this Blog is as geuine as I think it could be, then Ive struck virtual “gold”. Found it on a link on I.C.H. Looks as if I have a lot of reading to do. Thanks for your much needed information.


  2. Dear Joe,
    First, thank you for your articles on Information Clearing House. It is one of my primary sources for independent news and I often comment on and post links to articles on it through my blog at the website below.
    This contact is let you know I have recently published a novel related to some of the topics about which you write, and to offer you a free digital copy to review. My hope was to use a fictional story to better inform the public about the myths being used to support our current state of perpetual war, and introduce the discussion about creating a People’s Global Mandate based on our highest cross cultural values to counter this trend.
    I can send an Epub (free kindle download), Mobi (opens in Ibook), or a pdf copy. A print copy is available on Amazon, but I cannot afford to give those away for free at this time. 
    Blurb: The Boétie Legacy, and a World in Peril, is political fiction set in a contemporary romance between Jo Novak and Luke Canton in Granada, Nicaragua, who are meeting the challenges of a mature sexual relationship while living abroad in one of the poorest countries in the Western hemisphere. The Boétie Legacy explores the popular myths in the United States fueling perpetual war, and the rise of nonviolent conflict over the last century as the most powerful transformational force on earth. Kezer then argues that humanity can soon claim ultimate sovereignty over the planet, and he builds the case for launching the Project for a People’s Global Mandate (PPGM) to do so.

    At this point there are four reviews on Amazon (4.3 star).

    An author interview, book club questions, and the legacy of Étienne de la Boétie are on my website (www.robertakezer) under the tab for The Boétie Legacy.

    This is an Indy publication. A professional graphics artist was hired for the cover, and an editor and proofreader were hired for the manuscript. The Ebook was uploaded from an original html document ensuring consistent formatting across all devices.

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Robert A. Kezer, PhD

    The Boétie Legacy: and a World in Peril: is political fiction set in a contemporary romance between Jo Novak and Luke Canton in Granada, Nicaragua, who are meeting the challenges of a mature sexual relationship while living abroad in one of the poorest countries in the Western hemisphere. Legacy explores the popular myths in the United States fueling perpetual war, and the rise of nonviolent conflict over the last century as the most powerful transformational force on earth. Kezer then argues that humanity can soon claim ultimate sovereignty over the planet, and he builds the case for launching the Project for a People’s Global Mandate (PPGM) to do so.

    The Project for a People’s Global Mandate: The purpose of the Project for aPeople’s Global Mandate (PPGM) is to identify humanity’s highest cross cultural values, determine how we want to co-exist through the democratic process, and create the documents (world constitution, bill of planetary sustainability, and an updated international bill of human rights) to frame our world system according to those ideas. These guidelines for our governments and corporations will then be enforced through a locally directed decentralized international strategic nonviolent campaign of ever increasing response. Our goal is not cultural hegemony, a one-world government, erasing of national boundaries, or shifting power from one group of elites to another. Rather, it is transformation to a more fare, just, inclusive, and sustainable world system where ultimate sovereignty rests with humanity, not those elected to conduct our business. Created correctly these documents will protect the inherent rights of the minority, the future for our children, and the viability of our planet while still allowing the majority to direct our course.


    • Thank you for your comment on my blog where the downright painful honesty is everything, however, as a matter of principle of the stringent editorial integrity I am not allowed to endorse anything on my blog. I will leave your comment and let the readers decide whether or not your work resonates with their outlook and their past experiences.

      However, I always welcome and value all the independent, even radical perspectives and ideas in all forms devoid of the shackles of social myths and innuendos because they prevent peoples from really understanding each other.


  3. Joe C.

    We support independent ideas at Maths Party and have shared a link to your blog on our twitter account.

    We have three questions for you.

    i. What is your spin on the max power principle and how it may related to emergent behaviours and systems?

    ii. In a finite world, once a boa constrictor has consumed everything, does it consume itself?

    iii. Are you independent? And what are you influences, and are you on twitter?
    ie the ideas in your blog may have been independently realised, however the themes have been variously explored before by people such as JK Galbraith – “Communism is man explpoiting man, and capitalism is just the exact opposite”


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