EDUCATION: Blessings of Enlighten Serfdom.

Most of us have a problem with educational system here in the US or elsewhere. Of course it is corrupted and won’t teach us nowadays anything useful or remotely beneficial when we embark on our own mission impossible, namely our young independent life. If it is even possible in the world of propaganda lies, which extend to the educational field as well. Where are the schools that would teach us how to lie to a judge, to the public, to congress or parliament, or how to steal or kill with immunity, skills widely used by those with political ambitions of power and affluence or just wanting to survive in a jungle under this veneer deep civilization.

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When archbishop of San Salvador was brutally gunned down during Monday mass on March 24, 1980 the response from the Pope and American bishops was a big yawn. Suddenly ,supposedly the biggest defender of justice and human rights of the poor, Roman Catholic Church stood silent. Why this silence? Why Church did nothing to support and protect one of their own, a high-ranking official?

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