When archbishop of San Salvador was brutally gunned down during Monday mass on March 24, 1980 the response from the Pope and American bishops was a big yawn. Suddenly ,supposedly the biggest defender of justice and human rights of the poor, Roman Catholic Church stood silent. Why this silence? Why Church did nothing to support and protect one of their own, a high-ranking official?

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JAPAN: Miracle that wasn’t.

Everybody remembers Japanese economic miracle but no one remembers what was before that and it wasn’t pretty. Let’s look at Japan circa 1948, a complete collapse of economy and material supplies, huge heavy industry totally destroyed, all major cities in ruins, burned by  incendiary weapons, fields polluted by chemical agents, massive deaths from starvation, freezing and decease, including radiation sickness, rampant black market, a wave of suicides and murders, massive executions of Japanese soldiers or those accused of belonging to political/military elites, often on a whim of by after 15 minute mock military trials not unlike the Japanese or German military courts.

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Economy, jobs, wages, unemployment, food inflation, cost of living, housing, education, career, savings, retirement we all worry about almost constantly, especially in recent decades of violent economic and financial instability that already cost hundreds of thousands lives and millions their livelihood. How this happened that honest, hard work, basic morality, humanity and personal responsibility means nothing in the world ruled by financial oligarchs destroying fabric of our society.

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It’s been sometime since Ukraine was in and out of world headline and what’s more ominous, it is all in the context of global confrontation between two largest nuclear powers in the world. Some may say: what do we care we have our problems here in the USA. May be, but glancing at historic precedence, it does not look good. Soon some young jobless US enlisted grunts may start dying there while not having slightest idea what this desperate land is all about. We heard this before in so many ways. But this time, as Commander-in-Chief would put it some folks (millions) may be dying in the US too. And meanwhile WWIII preparations are ongoing and MSM does what it does best, producing silence and pointless chatter.

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There is a problem of violence in US society period. But there is a bigger problem of propagandizing fear of violence, through fake or biased academic or media reports which brainwash us daily. All the effort’s purposefully directed toward inducing mistrust and destroying American social fabric by playing class or race cards. All that whereas power elites, insidiously cover up and misdirect any attempts to find true instigators and promoters of violence that devastates our lives all to often. Instead, they spew over us lame “good guy, bad guy” kindergartner level narratives, we suppose to believe in.

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We all like to hear romantic stories about victories of the simple people in the struggle for equality and civil rights against tyranny. Such stories are widely used for the noble indoctrination of our youth. Sadly, adults forget to tell young trusting minds that most of these stories are step down from the fantastic fairy tales into a fraud and pure fabrications.

This is how one of these stories begins: In amazing Neverland far, far away (Brooklyn) and long, long ago (1920) there was a tale about adult beverage, feminism and the universal suffrage. And it all began over wide and mysterious big pond.

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REGIME CHANGE: We Can Believe In

All the people who rightly criticize US and world politics, calling even for regime changes, have something in common. They all put forward sensible diagnosis of ills of current situation, call for profound change but all fail to point out ways how things should be different, succumbing to cognitive dissonance pandemic. Often proposing meaningless cosmetic changes or ideas more disastrous to themselves than those currently are being implemented, and by that fact, revealing true ignorance or propaganda induced confusion about fundamental causes of this melee.

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POLLS AND PROPAGANDA: Curious Case of Political Systems.

Most polls tell us nothing but how well or poorly global propaganda works. The same applies to polls about goodness or evil  of particular system of political economy.

The wise words of false dichotomy between socialism and capitalism were turned, by global propaganda machine, into meaningless newspeak causing complete confusion among populace. That’s what bothers me most.

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