Are you crazy? Are you insane? Are you out of your mind? Or are you normal, regular, ordinary like anybody else? Or are you special, unusual, unique, different, extraordinary? Is it really who you are? Are there really proper adjectives to describe or even define you or me or anybody else?

These are daily philosophical questions faced by those dealing with what we call mental illnesses as doctors and patients for last 350 years of “modern” psychiatry which seemingly was emancipated from magic, spiritualism, and religious dogmas that defined mental illness as possession of the body and/or mind by evil powers. And after all these years still we have no satisfactory answers to those seemingly simple questions.

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CASSANDRA: Prophet of Mute.

Do you suffer from Cassandra curse? Many hundreds of thousands people on the globe can see what’s coming, not because they can predict future, that’s impossible, but because they remember the past and have courage see today as it is with all its brutal realism.

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There is a problem of violence in US society period. But there is a bigger problem of propagandizing fear of violence, through fake or biased academic or media reports which brainwash us daily. All the effort’s purposefully directed toward inducing mistrust and destroying American social fabric by playing class or race cards. All that whereas power elites, insidiously cover up and misdirect any attempts to find true instigators and promoters of violence that devastates our lives all to often. Instead, they spew over us lame “good guy, bad guy” kindergartner level narratives, we suppose to believe in.

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