RISE OF SOCIAL MACHINES: A Postscript on the Matrix of Control. Part Two.

The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots [machines].

Erich Fromm [1900-1980].

Future is already here.


The Matrix of Control (MOC) essay was posted on this blog in summer 2015 as a logical continuation of most of my previous essays that were dealing with false notions of social reality hidden under lies, deception and innuendoes, fantastic constructs of unbelievability, concealed behind fog of unreason furthered by Rousseauesque romanticism of totalitarian chaos, a fake notion of new existential determinism of our life paths.

But there is no existential determinism in our lives, at least not the way we think there is, but different individualized reality covered up by massive programmatic obfuscation of what we are led to believe about society we live in.

The Postscript on the Matrix of Control, Part Two, [the Postscript] attempts to ask an intriguing question of how and why last ten thousands years of human social development along so-called “civilizational” path chosen by ruling elites [as I posited in the Postscript, Part One] resulted in such a hyper abstraction of society itself.

This abstraction seemingly detaches or loosens a human society from physical bounds of reality of natural environment or even unties us from reality of fundamental human connections, and creates multi-layered illusions of social reality in which we dwell.

Moreover, in addition to devouring life-sustaining ecosystem and natural resources, social abstraction dehumanizes us into a kind of “machinic society of control and subordination” to the “virtues” of human and environmental destruction in a process that could be called a “Rise of Social Machines”.

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FAUX ELECTIONS: American Insanity of Fear.

Why army of electoral zombies, despite all undisputed evidences of political  capture and corruption of US political and electoral system corporate interests still likely will go through meaningless ritual of another rigged elections serving no other end but individual expression of absolute submission to the ruling power of oligarchy and their security and intelligence apparatus , a biennial sacrifice to the political Gods of this abhorrent US regime of war, exploitation and death.

They will keep voting for the same reason as millions of electoral zombies in every 20th century openly totalitarian regime, including Nazi Germany voted diligently and meaninglessly, always with so-called civic duty, patriotic propaganda twist to obfuscate brutality of the regimes and greed of establishment leadership.

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RISE OF ELITES: A Postscript on the Matrix of Control. Part One.

The Matrix of Control (MOC) was posted on this blog in summer 2015 as a logical continuation of most of my previous essays that were dealing with false notions of social reality hidden under lies, deception and innuendoes, fantastic constructs of unbelievability, concealed behind fog of unreason furthered by Rousseauesque romanticism of totalitarian chaos, a fake notion of new existential determinism of our life paths.

The MOC essay posited another more ominous take on circulated/promoted social narratives about an organism of stratified society of control in later stage of development when ruling elite is already well established as a social construct i.e. its existence has been acknowledged or even somewhat legitimized within society at large.

However, it was not always that way, in early developmental stages prevalent types of human organization were varieties of incarnations of egalitarian societies where no ruling elite or no formal ruling elite was formed.

The MOC essay ignored an important issue of inception of ruling elites from within society at large:

The issue of emergence of the elite itself is more an issue related to the evolution of our human species and individual advancement processes as well as its conditionality regarding the social development, generally similar across all the higher order species and hence will not be discussed here where the focus is being placed on already developed society.

 The Postscript, Part One, particularly focuses on addressing this critical issue, to ask how and why elites are emerging and whether or not they are necessary or even advantageous for complex, non-linear development of overall society.

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DEMOCRACY: What’s that?

“The individual loses his substance by voluntarily bowing to an overpowering and distant oligarchy, while simultaneously“participating” in sham democracy.”

C. Wright Mills,”The Power Elite” (1956)


Believe or not I will try to tell you something you probably do not know or even never heard about; something what I call a real democracy.

What I am writing about is rarely talked or written anywhere, namely a theory of classical democracy in its core [not necessarily what was implemented as Greek democracy].

I will not focus just on how democracy is “manifested” as social system which already fills many fat books of nonsense but I will try instead to capture what it really is in its essence, as narrative that has been hopelessly skewed into what some call faux liberal democracy ploy which is not liberal nor democratic according to how ancient Greeks understood it.

So let’s return to the source of what democracy is just to provide sound reference for understanding of plurality of reincarnations of real political systems of power, we are actually living under, that misuse this nicely sounding label to excess, especially within periods of political [re]cycling of power, called “electoral campaigns” as propaganda teaches us.

But first please answer following simple questions:

1. Is voting necessary or needed in democracy?
2. Are elections required or necessary or even needed in democracy?
3. Does participation in election voting scheme increase enfranchisement of voter into a democratic process?

If your answered yes to any of those questions this essay is definitely for you. So let’s get on with that.

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MATRIX OF CONTROL: A Short Tale About Society We Live in.

A Construct.

What is the society we are living in like? We think, we know our neighborhood, friends, if we really have any, and definitely we know or at least we think we know something about our close relatives as well as the extended family mostly through the personal experiences of our lives but also through the narratives that are proliferated among our family members about the society at large and ourselves within this society.

What about the society at large? Do we really directly know anything about our society beyond our professional or commercial relationships with the strangers, mitigated by the money or advantage? Do we realize or understand our own role in the society beyond narrow family ties and responsibilities?

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Are you crazy? Are you insane? Are you out of your mind? Or are you normal, regular, ordinary like anybody else? Or are you special, unusual, unique, different, extraordinary? Is it really who you are? Are there really proper adjectives to describe or even define you or me or anybody else?

These are daily philosophical questions faced by those dealing with what we call mental illnesses as doctors and patients for last 350 years of “modern” psychiatry which seemingly was emancipated from magic, spiritualism, and religious dogmas that defined mental illness as possession of the body and/or mind by evil powers. And after all these years still we have no satisfactory answers to those seemingly simple questions.

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I. Invocation.

We all worship money, believers or atheists, smart or stupid, holy or wicked, strong or weak, rich or poor, men or women. One way or another we submit to this lesser god of Plutus and his stone age ancestors no matter how much we deny it. But why we worship something, a blind chimera-child no one has courage to see for what it truly is, an illusion, magician trick, a cruel joke pulled over destitude population.

Let’s not be afraid and look deeper into blind eyes of this innocent looking coin, paper or digital beast that makes many of us lose all vestiges of our humanity in a futile quest for seemingly noble causes made up by strangers and in the process makes us stoop to appalling attitudes or actions against another human being with good intentions of mislead heart.

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EDUCATION: Blessings of Enlighten Serfdom.

Most of us have a problem with educational system here in the US or elsewhere. Of course it is corrupted and won’t teach us nowadays anything useful or remotely beneficial when we embark on our own mission impossible, namely our young independent life. If it is even possible in the world of propaganda lies, which extend to the educational field as well. Where are the schools that would teach us how to lie to a judge, to the public, to congress or parliament, or how to steal or kill with immunity, skills widely used by those with political ambitions of power and affluence or just wanting to survive in a jungle under this veneer deep civilization.

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When archbishop of San Salvador was brutally gunned down during Monday mass on March 24, 1980 the response from the Pope and American bishops was a big yawn. Suddenly ,supposedly the biggest defender of justice and human rights of the poor, Roman Catholic Church stood silent. Why this silence? Why Church did nothing to support and protect one of their own, a high-ranking official?

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Of all XIX century great ideas there was no other idea more loved and more hated, more followed and more abandoned, more studied and more misunderstood, more used and more abused than an idea of Karl Marx Materialistic Historiosophy that disrupted feudal political system in Europe and profoundly impacted history of entire XX century and beyond. Without Marx today’s political processes and their consequences as well as those a century ago, cannot be understood at all. Truism, state-infused corporate propaganda is desperately seeking to deny.

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JAPAN: Miracle that wasn’t.

Everybody remembers Japanese economic miracle but no one remembers what was before that and it wasn’t pretty. Let’s look at Japan circa 1948, a complete collapse of economy and material supplies, huge heavy industry totally destroyed, all major cities in ruins, burned by  incendiary weapons, fields polluted by chemical agents, massive deaths from starvation, freezing and decease, including radiation sickness, rampant black market, a wave of suicides and murders, massive executions of Japanese soldiers or those accused of belonging to political/military elites, often on a whim of by after 15 minute mock military trials not unlike the Japanese or German military courts.

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INVISIBLE HAND and Other Paranoid Delusions

Economic propaganda tubes spend hundreds of millions of dollars daily to make sure that Americans are deeply confused about domestic and world economy. Financial gurus, brain damaged former football players, brilliant retards who distinguished themselves by losing half of their inherited fortunes, not to mention professionally lying media types, all working hard to mess with our heads. Unfortunately, they are succeeding all to often. Below I will attempt to rectify that situation and clarify basic economic terms, victims of daily rape by erectilely dysfunctional celebrities of greed.

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It’s distressing to realize that we, proud dollar worshiping Americans have no idea what FED, dollar printing extortion racket, has been actually up to, especially since 2008 crash. I will attempt to confront here all idiosyncratic, unintelligible crapshoot theories of sub-prime securities, derivatives, CDS, MBS etc., coming out of learned tin heads of academia, financial as well mental institutions. None of these deceitful terms mean anything, except they are used to cover up capital crime of XXI century perpetrated with impunity by Wall Street gamblers anonymous.

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Economy, jobs, wages, unemployment, food inflation, cost of living, housing, education, career, savings, retirement we all worry about almost constantly, especially in recent decades of violent economic and financial instability that already cost hundreds of thousands lives and millions their livelihood. How this happened that honest, hard work, basic morality, humanity and personal responsibility means nothing in the world ruled by financial oligarchs destroying fabric of our society.

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There is very worrisome police program that is going on for years now but completely ignored by M.S.M., namely wide-spread civil forfeiture of assets of citizen not charged, nor convicted of any crime in relation to seized property or not. And what worst, is that apologists for civil forfeiture, insidiously insinuate that the bad guys have no constitutional rights.

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It’s been sometime since Ukraine was in and out of world headline and what’s more ominous, it is all in the context of global confrontation between two largest nuclear powers in the world. Some may say: what do we care we have our problems here in the USA. May be, but glancing at historic precedence, it does not look good. Soon some young jobless US enlisted grunts may start dying there while not having slightest idea what this desperate land is all about. We heard this before in so many ways. But this time, as Commander-in-Chief would put it some folks (millions) may be dying in the US too. And meanwhile WWIII preparations are ongoing and MSM does what it does best, producing silence and pointless chatter.

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There is a problem of violence in US society period. But there is a bigger problem of propagandizing fear of violence, through fake or biased academic or media reports which brainwash us daily. All the effort’s purposefully directed toward inducing mistrust and destroying American social fabric by playing class or race cards. All that whereas power elites, insidiously cover up and misdirect any attempts to find true instigators and promoters of violence that devastates our lives all to often. Instead, they spew over us lame “good guy, bad guy” kindergartner level narratives, we suppose to believe in.

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We all like to hear romantic stories about victories of the simple people in the struggle for equality and civil rights against tyranny. Such stories are widely used for the noble indoctrination of our youth. Sadly, adults forget to tell young trusting minds that most of these stories are step down from the fantastic fairy tales into a fraud and pure fabrications.

This is how one of these stories begins: In amazing Neverland far, far away (Brooklyn) and long, long ago (1920) there was a tale about adult beverage, feminism and the universal suffrage. And it all began over wide and mysterious big pond.

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Alfred Nobel considered economists as con-men in his time and nothing changed since then. In late sixties of last century Wall Street took finally hold of Nobel foundation, reduced gold holdings, increased Wall Street securities holdings. Since then every year financial world pee in pants waiting for economic/financial puppet show in Stockholm and Oslo and a queue of profiteering prophets, apologists for world conquest and mayhem concocted by self indulged oligarchs from east and west.

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REGIME CHANGE: We Can Believe In

All the people who rightly criticize US and world politics, calling even for regime changes, have something in common. They all put forward sensible diagnosis of ills of current situation, call for profound change but all fail to point out ways how things should be different, succumbing to cognitive dissonance pandemic. Often proposing meaningless cosmetic changes or ideas more disastrous to themselves than those currently are being implemented, and by that fact, revealing true ignorance or propaganda induced confusion about fundamental causes of this melee.

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SNOWDEN AFFAIR: Unasked Questions.

Snowden affair left the headlines of the world media while nothing, I mean, in reality nothing at all has changed.

What is more surprising and disconcerting is that even people from “The Intercept” who justifiably criticize MSM for razor thin spectrum of debate, themselves trying to narrow debate on Snowden revelations and their world impact. The proliferators of false choices, hero vs. villain, are easy to spot in the media and dismiss but other biases are well hidden from observers. In order to have clear view of the situation let’s ignore G. Greenwald and other journalists for a while. Let’s listen to Snowden himself. Let’s examine his motivations for initial disclosure of selected classified documents and rationale as he declares himself.

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POLLS AND PROPAGANDA: Curious Case of Political Systems.

Most polls tell us nothing but how well or poorly global propaganda works. The same applies to polls about goodness or evil  of particular system of political economy.

The wise words of false dichotomy between socialism and capitalism were turned, by global propaganda machine, into meaningless newspeak causing complete confusion among populace. That’s what bothers me most.

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